FAQ: VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Are they waterproof?

When properly closed, each VSSL and its contents are protected from the elements, including complete submersion in water. The light is waterproof on its own or attached to a VSSL.

Last updated: September 29, 2014 13:55

What are they made from?

Each VSSL is made from military spec (Mil_Spec) 6061 seamless extruded aluminum - practically indestructible.

Last updated: September 29, 2014 13:55

Are they made in China?

Proudly Made in Canada. We’ve sourced the best quality components for each part, regardless of its origin. VSSL is like the United Nations of tools with parts coming from Ireland, India, USA, China, Mexico and Canada. Final assembly is done in Canada. We also do partial assembly in Washington State just prior to shipping, so there are no import/duty issues for our US backers.

Last updated: September 29, 2014 13:56

How long with the light last?

Once our Kickstarter is over we are going to do our ANSI/NEMA FL-1 portable light certification. It’s not a requirement, but you’ll see most of the high quality torchlight companies are voluntarily doing this in order to establish a unified standard. So once we are through that, we’ll have certified specifications for lumens, water resistance, durability, run time, etc. Until then, we’ve found the usable/functional light time is about 20 hrs. In S.O.S mode, it broadcasts a visible signal for about 40 hrs.

Last updated: September 29, 2014 13:55

What kind of beam does your light emit?

For you torchlight aficionados, this is an important question. You basically have three different types of beams: flood, spot or a combination (adjustable). During our R&D phase we polled several of the top survival/camping/outdoor forums to see what end users would prefer and the majority selected flood beam (64.4% flood vs. 35.6% spot).

Spot beams allow us to see farther, but flood beams illuminate a broader area over a shorter distance (like a lantern). Since VSSL’s are a multi-purpose tool, our customers felt that a flood beam with a more lantern like beam would be more practical.

Last updated: September 29, 2014 13:55

What type of batteries does the light use

It uses standard alkaline N type or Energizer E90 batteries.

Last updated: October 13, 2014 11:47

Are they waterproof?

When properly closed, each VSSL and its contents are protected from the elements, including complete submersion in water. The light is waterproof on its own or attached to a VSSL. Last updated: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:55 pm EDT

What are they made from?

Each VSSL is made from military spec (Mil_Spec) 6061 seamless extruded aluminum - practically indestructible. Last updated: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:55 pm EDT

Are they made in China?

Proudly Made in Canada. We’ve sourced the best quality components for each part, regardless of its origin. VSSL is like the United Nations of tools with parts coming from Ireland, India, USA, China, Mexico and Canada. Final assembly is done in Canada. We also do partial assembly in Washington State just prior to shipping, so there are no import/duty issues for our US backers. Last updated: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:56 pm EDT

How long with the light last?

Once our Kickstarter is over we are going to do our ANSI/NEMA FL-1 portable light certification. It’s not a requirement, but you’ll see most of the high quality torchlight companies are voluntarily doing this in order to establish a unified standard. So once we are through that, we’ll have certified specifications for lumens, water resistance, durability, run time, etc. Until then, we’ve found the usable/functional light time is about 20 hrs. In S.O.S mode, it broadcasts a visible signal for about 40 hrs. Last updated: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:55 pm EDT

What kind of beam does your light emit?

For you torchlight aficionados, this is an important question. You basically have three different types of beams: flood, spot or a combination (adjustable). During our R&D phase we polled several of the top survival/camping/outdoor forums to see what end users would prefer and the majority selected flood beam (64.4% flood vs. 35.6% spot). Spot beams allow us to see farther, but flood beams illuminate a broader area over a shorter distance (like a lantern). Since VSSL’s are a multi-purpose tool, our customers felt that a flood beam with a more lantern like beam would be more practical. Last updated: Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:55 pm EDT

What type of batteries does the light use

It uses standard alkaline N type or Energizer E90 batteries. Last updated: Mon, Oct 13 2014 2:47 pm EDT

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